
Profile Overview

Bema Saberwyn

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Saberwyn


Chief Executive Officer
USS Leif Erikson




Bema Joseph Daniel Saberwyn

Dec. 19, 2370

Edmonton AB Canada


2384-2388 – Helmsman for the USS Excalibur NCC-26517
2388.0115- Joined Starfleet Acedemy
2392.0115 – Assigned to the USS Hepta – Navigations cadet
2393.0225 – Assigned to the USS Black Tulip – Chief Navigation Officer
2393.0604 – Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
2393.1008 – Promoted to Lieutenant
2394.0602 – Promoted to Lt. Commander
2395.0101 – Transferred to USS Ascension- Chief Opperations Officer
2395.0605- Transfered to Deep Space 9/USS Defiant- Chief Security Tactial Officer/ First Officer
2396.0421.9- Transfered to the USS Novus Orsa NCC-66426-Executive Officer



Born to Admiral Duncan Saberwyn and Admiral Marissa Saberwyn on December 19 2370. Bema spent his childhood with no siblings on his father’s Excelsior-Class starship. He showed an interest in the stars that showed through him always being on the bridge of the ship. At 14 the Helmsman was killed in action and Bema was given the rank of acting ensign, beginning his Starfleet career. When he was 17 he tried to enrolling into Starfleet Academy but was denied despite his score of 90% on the entrance exam. Though intelligent Bema didn’t graduate with his Academy class, that caused him to once again to receive the rank of Acting Ensign. After a few months on board the USS Black Tulip, Bema quickly began moving through the ranks where he eventually achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander. During his tenure on the USS Black Tulip, Bema saved the life of his CO, Commodore Elron. This act earned Elron’s respect and the two developed a close friendship. On stardate 940619.4 Bema was given a temporary position as an acting First Officer on the USS Orain. Bema was transferred shortly thereafter for brief tenures on the USS Ascension, Deep Space 9, the USS Defiant, and a tenure as the First Officer on the USS Novus Orsa