
Profile Overview

Gedan Demar

Trill (Joined) Cisgender Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Demar


Commanding Officer
USS Galaxy


Bizzare circumstances, tragedy, and a healthy dose of personal issues have defined Geden Demar’s Starfleet career. From his first posting on the USS Thomas Edison to his most recent on the USS Parr, he has dealt with things most Starfleet officers wouldn’t even remotely think of ever encountering. While many would assume this would lead him to have a wealth of experience to further his career it is, in reality, the exact opposite. His experiences have left him scarred on a professional and personal level; he keeps himself detached from those around him on his postings and cannot think or act outside the box. Despite the vast array of counseling services Starfleet has available he remains stuck between the trauma of his past and his desire for duty. Starfleet has made it clear: the Amundsen was his last chance.

After enduring both the Lost Fleet and Frontier Day crises, he finds himself at a crossroads. Myers refuses to give up on him, he is starting to settle into his role of executive officer for the first time in many years and he is slowly allowing himself to open up but at the same time he is more weary than ever and questions if he even has the mental capacity to continue serving. With the new challenge of being second in command of a Galaxy Class ship, he is giving it one last go in the hopes he finds the spark that will renew his passion to serve.

In early 2402, after Captain Clara Myers was convicted on multiple counts related to the rescue of Demar and other crew members after the Labyrinth Crisis, Demar was promoted to Captain and given command of the USS Galaxy.


Demar, Circa 2402