
Profile Overview

Aisha Sadek

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Sadek


Chief Medical Officer
USS Sirius


Aisha Sadek

24th October, 2358

Algiers, Earth


Doctor Sadek is a celebrated physician and surgeon with a specialty in trauma medicine. She had seemingly withdrawn from front-line service for the past 6 years, serving as CMO on starbases and conducting medical research, until her return to the field with her assignment to the USS Endeavour. With Captain Rourke’s departure, she jumped at the opportunity to serve on Gateway Station, close to old companions but with the stability and family life she forsook for over two years. Doctor Sadek brings with her a long career of medical experience, a determinedly calm demeanour, and her acerbic wit.  Since serving on Endeavour, she has finally taken and passed the bridge officer’s exam, and has reluctantly begun to act as part of the station’s chain of command, rather than stick with her lifetime’s commitment to staying in Sickbay.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2376 - 2382 Medical Student Starfleet Academy
2382 - 2385 Surgical Resident Starbase 16
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2385 - 2388 Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Dauntless
2388 - 2393 Chief Medical Officer USS Achilles
2393 - 2396 Chief Medical Officer Starbase 8
Lieutenant Commander
2396 - 2399 Senior Researcher Facility Muldoon
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2400 Chief Medical Officer USS Endeavour
Lieutenant Commander
2400 - 2401 Chief Medical Officer USS Endeavour
2401 Gateway Station Chief Medical Officer
2401 - Present USS Sirius Chief Medical Officer