
Profile Overview

Hal Riggs

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Riggs


Chief Engineer
USS Sirius


Henry Titus Riggs



An experienced and capable engineer, Commander Riggs has until now resisted efforts by Starfleet to push him into a leadership role. He has worked in starship engine rooms and both Utopia Planitia and San Francisco Fleet Yards, and took on more responsibility among the construction teams for Starbase Bravo only to take a role aboard after as a generalist engineer instead of section leader. Superiors eventually lured him into a role worthy of his talents as Chief Engineer of Gateway Station.

Despite his limited ambitions, Riggs is known to be amiable, helpful, and good-tempered, and tends to show people the same diligence and care he shows his work.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2384 - 2385 Repair Dock Officer Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
2385 - 2388 Starship Construction Officer San Francisco Fleet Yards
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2388 - 2393 Assistant Chief Engineer USS Constitution
2393 - 2395 Assistant Chief Engineer USS Harmony
2395 - 2397 SCE Team Deputy Leader USS Harmony
Lieutenant Commander
2397 - 2399 Power Grid Construction Team Leader Starbase 4 Construction
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2401 Engineering Officer Starbase Bravo
Lieutenant Commander
2401 Chief Engineer USS Pathfinder
Lieutenant Commander
2401 Chief Engineer Gateway Station
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Chief Engineer USS Sirius
Lieutenant Commander