Deputy Engineering Officer

A Deputy is a full-time assistantship to a Bravo Fleet Department Head. A Deputy is often responsible for a sizable portion of the duties associated with their office and is often able to carry the authority and speak with the voice of their Department. Each Deputy operates under very unique conditions that are dependent on their department and a Deputy’s job description may easily vary with time. However, the following are some common characteristics of Deputies:

  • Deputy appointments must be confirmed by the Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer.
  • Traditionally, but not always, a Deputy is selected from a group of department staff who have served the department with distinction and have performed an admirable degree of work. Such evidence is brought to the Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer during the selection process.
  • The appointment of a Deputy should not be taken lightly. Not all Department Heads will require a Deputy.
  • Deputies are trained in the functions of their department and are expected to achieve equal competence in their assigned duties. As department deputies, their primary responsibility is to help assist the Department Head in all facets of the department’s successful operations.
  • Deputies are often drafted as future replacements to their current department heads; however, ascension into replacement is not guaranteed.
  • Deputies are strongly encouraged not to hold a position of significant responsibility elsewhere within Bravo Fleet. Those who also hold a position higher than TGCO must demonstrate that they can handle both responsibilities. A Deputy carrying two jobs will be forced to choose between them when their activity dwindles.
  • Deputies are most often experienced leaders.

Member Took Office Left Office Time in Office
1 June 2024
9 months, 25 days
18 April 2023
18 June 2023
2 months, 0 days