Part of USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part H: Koryl

USS Jaxartes
13th September 2401
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Doctor Andrianakis had just given the Devore Officer an injection with the hypospray, when he stirred slightly. “Pumping me full of Truth Serum are you doc?” He groggily asked; the effects of the phaser stun not having completely worn off.  He tried to move, but discovered, as was to be expected that he was strapped to the medical bed, he currently occupied.

“Actually it was something to deal with your elevated heart rate.” Andrianakis replied.

“And how do you know that’s not normal for my species?” Koryl growled. “Ah yes, of course.  You’ve studied use before.” 

“I’ve looked up information regarding the Federations previous encounters with the Imperium, if that’s what you mean?” The Greek woman answered. 

“The word you’re looking for is ‘invaded’ by the way.” Came Koryl’s response.

“We have never invaded anyone.” Andrianakis countered.

“Forgive me.  Everyone opens their arms to their wonderful Federation saviours.” Mocked the Devore. “How could I forget?”

“You don’t have to believe me, just ask anyone.” The doctor said earnestly.

 “A bunch of brain washed subservient individuals who’d tell me the universe was pink and their home world square if you asked them to.” Laughed Koryl.

Andrianakis could see she wasn’t going to get anywhere with the Assistant Inspector; he was the only member of the Devore on-board The Jaxartes, the rest were being held in a hastily constructed holding cell, somewhere with the vast interior of the SS Alchemist;  she’d probably need to give them all a quick medical later.  For now though she was finished with their leader.  Turning to Ensign Tholakath and crewman N’Quith, she signalled that they could take their prisoner away now. 

Tholakath undid the wrist restraints, whilst the doctor dealt with the one around the waist and those at the ankles. “If you’d like to come with us?” The Cardassian said softly yet firmly.  In Koryl’s opinion, what he would ‘like’ and what was going to happen, were two very different things.  He was either going willingly or being taken forcefully.  So he simple ‘harrumphed’ in response and let himself be escorted from Sickbay.

The three of them past Lieutenant Stuart who was coming the other way; she entered Sickbay only moments after they walked out.   Doctor Andrianakis didn’t sport her at first she’d gone over the check on her other patient; Torf the Betazoid engineer, who’d suffered at the hands of the Devore when he’d been taken to their warship.  He was still, for the moment in an induced coma.  His body was slowly healing itself from the trauma of a vicious interrogation.  Finally though she did turn and spot the new arrival.

“How is the hearing Lieutenant?”  She asked a little louder than she’d normally speak to someone. 

“No herring, doc!” Shouted back the Orion.

“I can’t understand it.” The doctor said back exasperated. “You should be fine by now.” 

“Yes, Tholakath’s getting the wine.” Stuart answered, the hint of a smile turning up the corners of her mouth. 

“Oh you pig!” Shouted the Andrianakis. “You can hear perfectly well what I’m saying.”

“It is insane.” Replied the Lieutenant; before she broke down into laughter. “I’m sorry, doc I just needed to let go and release all the tension.  This whole mission has just been getting to me!”

“So you thought you’d come along and drive me up the wall?” The doctor smiled back. “A wonderful friend you are!”

The two of them walked into the doctor’s office to continue their conversation in there.  They had a lot on their minds right now, so a chat in private and may be a laugh or two; would be a big help. 


Assistant Inspector Koryl was lying on the bed in his holding cell, under the watchful eye of crewman N’Quith; sat at a small desk, phaser within easy reach. He instinctively put his hand on it as the door to the Brig whooshed open.  When in stepped the Vulcan Commander, he relaxed again and moved his hand away from the weapon. 

“Come to start my interrogation have you?” Koryl called out when in spotted the Vulcan out of the corner of his eye. “You won’t get much out of me.  If that’s what you think?”

“Do you always think the worst of people you encounter?” Salan asked as he placed a chair he’d just grabbed from the far end of the room: nearer to the force field and then sat down on it.

“It pays to have low expectations of others.” Announced the Devore officer; sitting up and swinging his legs round until they touched the floor.  “Saves so much disappointment later.” 

“We aren’t anywhere near as bad as you seem to perceive.” Salan assured him. 

“I’m still trying to figure out how this small vessel of yours managed to destroy a warship!” Sighed Koryl, clasping his hands together in his lap. 

“We didn’t” Replied the Vulcan.  “It was struck by a massive solar flare.” 

“Oh, come now.  Don’t lie to me.” Bellowed the Devore. “I watched your ship racing away moments before the explosion.” 

“Vulcan’s do not lie.” The Commander announced calmly.

“How very noble of you.” Koryl sneered back. “What is my fate to be any way?” 

“There is a ship coming to pick you and your men up tomorrow.”  Salan informed him.

“A nice show trial followed by a public execution.” Laughed Koryl. “Or do you prefer doing that sort of thing in secret, behind closed doors?” 

“You and your men will be treated fairly. I can promise you that.”  The Vulcan informed the Devore. “You may even get to go home.”

“Execution is starting to feel more appealing all the time.” Muttered the Assistant Inspector under his breath. 


When Commander Salan left the Brig a few minutes later he was met by crewman Rahul, who appeared to have been waiting for him in the corridor. “Can I help you, crewman?” 

“Yes Sir.  I’m not sure if I can phrase this any better.”  Rahul hesitated a moment. Then stood ramrod straight. “I want to make a formal complaint about Lieutenant Devron.”

“You mean in regards to the incident down on Vargus III?” Asked the Commander. 

“Yes Sir, that’s the one.” Confirmed Rahul. “He struck me hard.”

“The Lieutenant say’s you fired without orders.” Commented the Vulcan.  “Though I agree, hitting you was wrong.”

“I perceived a genuine threat Sir.  The fact that the Lieutenant did not see it; is not my fault Sir.” The crewman replied earnestly.  “I had a duty to protect the civilian and my fellow crewmen, Sir.” 

“You dedication is commendable crewman Rahul.” Salan thanked him. “Trust me; I will be monitoring the situation very carefully.” 

“Thank you Sir.” The Indian saluted, and hurried away, looking pleased with the outcome of that particular conversation. 


The following day Assistant Inspector Koryl; stood on the transporter pad; flanked by two armed security personnel from the vessel that had come to collect him and the other surviving Devore.  Commander Salan and Lieutenant Devron were there to see him leave.

“I won’t say it was a pleasure. But it has been an experience” Smiled the Devore Officer. “Tell you doctor to look up Trelzegalian.  I believe that’s what Kurn would have used on that Betazoid of yours.  It’s favourite drug of his.”

“Thank you Assistant Inspector.  I will pass that information on.” Salan raised his hand in the Vulcan salute. “Live long and prosper.” 

“I very much doubt that Commander.” Smiled Koryl and returned a Federation style; rather than Devore salute. “But thank you.” 

With that the instructions to energise were given to Petty Officer Lightwood, and the three individuals were whisked away.  The Commander turned to the Lieutenant.  “I’m going to need to have a word with you in private.”


  • Koryl is portrayed as the Devore officer I expected him to be, on edge and not trusting a word that is being told to him about what Starfleet stands for. Throughout the story you have done a great job showing how the Devore operate, think and handle in certain situations! I really enjoyed this conlcusion of Koryl and hopefully we shall not see him again anytime soon. I do hope Devorn will be fine. Great job!

    July 23, 2024