Part of USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part I: Future Plans

USS Jaxartes
19th September 2401
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Doctors Medical Log:


Ensign Torf, Albert, Male, Betazoid.

Medical Ref:  2477-09-401


Thanks to Assistant Inspector Koryl’s information regarding the drug Trelzegalian.  It is something I was unfamiliar with and would appear to be almost untraceable within an hour or so of being administered.   Armed with the extra knowledge I have been able to treat Ensign Torf much more effectively over the past few days.  Resulting in that I was able to bring him out of the induced coma he was in; a few hours ago.  He will have to remain here in sickbay and under careful medical supervision for a while yet.


Though I am hopeful he will eventually make a full recovery, medically wise; I cannot be so sure of the mental traumas he endured at the hands of the Devore.  I am no psychologist and the only one available on this ship is a holographic program.  I’ve been told they work just as well as a real person, but I’ll reserve judgement on that. 


<End Log>       

Doctor Andrianakis exited her office after completing her log entry.  Torf was fast asleep; even though he’d been in a coma since soon after his traumatic ordeal, the engineer was still very tired and weak.  She ran a quick scan other him, to satisfy herself everything was going as hoped.  As expected the reading were near identical to the ones she’d take an hour ago, and pretty much similar to those an hour before that. 

This was the second time the Betazoid had been forced to spend a prolonged amount of time in sickbay; the first being after his infection by Borg Nano-probes back in June.  Phoebe let out a deep sign; not even four full months gone and the poor man had faced another near death situation.

Just then there was a chirpy whistling sort of noise from by the door.  Most people just tended to walk in, whether they were injured, needed a test or wanted to ask her something.  Only one member of the crew seemed to use the door chime and await permission to enter, and it was roughly this time of day he would arrive.  Andrianakis as always called him in.

George Tyson entered sickbay a moment later.  The young Northern Irishman, of cause like three quarters of the current nineteen strong crew members had at some point been treated by her or the ships EMH, since the Jaxartes had relaunched at the beginning of the year.  For this particular crewman it had been to get a broken nose fixed, after he’d head-butted part of the controls in Engineering.  The Doctor was rather proud of the work she’d done, even she did say so herself.  Now the redness of the soft tissue had faded, you wouldn’t know anything had been done to it.

“How’s the Chief doing, doc?” He asked with a whisper.  Tyson was always quiet and softly spoken, which seemed a little at odds with his rough and ready appearance; as much as he tried to look smart in his uniform, it never seemed to fit just right.  There was a passing temptation to straighten it out for him, but the doctor resisted that urge.

“Well as you can see, he’s off the ventilation system.” She pointed at the fact, some of the equipment had been moved away from the bed and the Betazoid had a small tube just under his nose; giving him oxygen rather than the full face mask, he’d had on before.  “He’s out of the coma, but still tried and weak from his ordeal.” 

“I’ve been keeping my eye on the Engineering Team from the Alchemist.” The crewman told her. “Don’t want them making any alterations Mister Torf wouldn’t approve of.”

“He’ll be glad to hear that.” Andrianakis assured him.  “I know he rates the work and effort you’ve put in over these past months.”

“This is my first ship assignment.” Tyson said thoughtfully.  “And the experiences I’ve had here have made me re-evaluate what I want in life.”

“In what way would that be?” The Doctor asked.

“I want to go into officer training and eventually become a Chief Engineer.” Tyson announced proudly.  “I should have had the guts and determination to do it in the first place.  But the Tyson family have always been the hard sloggers, following orders. I’d like to prove, I’m more capable than that.”

Andrianakis smiled at the young man. “I’m sure the Chief here, will be happy and proud to support you.”

George Tyson thanked her and left sickbay.  He had a lot to think about.  The Tyson family had been engineers for absolute generation; grease and engine oil was in their blood.  It was said two of his ancestors had worked on building the RMS Titanic and another had been a Stocker on HMS Ark Royal during the Second World War. How true any of that was, he didn’t know; records and family documents had been lost long ago; and these things had just become stories past down from father to son. 

Having to step in and help run things in Engineering; had made Tyson more aware of what he could achieve if he put his mind to it.  There were times when he surprised himself at the knowledge and understanding he did possess.  But then there was a brief period when he knew absolutely everything, when the Borg had linked him with the greatest young engineering mind the Federation had at their disposal.  The voices had long gone and so to most of the information; not everything though.  No, some of it still lingered in the back of his mind, waiting to be useful. 


In the aft observation lounge, two figures sat sharing a drink and a few light snacks on a pair of plates between them.  “I’m glad the Commander said you could have a little extra time off.” M’Niia smiled at her companion.

“There isn’t much for me to do whilst all the repair work is being carried out.”  C’Rren almost sounded apologetic, that he wasn’t being more useful. “This is the first chance I’ve had to see you since everything that happened.”   

“Yes.  Thank you for rescuing me.” M’Niia replied.

“I didn’t do that much really.” C’Rren looked down at the table.

She reached out a touched him gently. “You flew the shuttle and got help.  I couldn’t have asked for any more.” 

“Leaving you was the hardest thing, I’d ever done.” The ensign sighed.  “Leaving again once the repair work is done will be just as hard.” 

“Do you like me that much?”  The question was asked in hope as much as it was interest.  There was a very likeable endearing quality about this young Caitian male sat before her.  She felt safe and comfortable in his presence.  And did he know how cute that smile of his was?  It made her feel happy and warm inside.

He thought about the words he could use to describe her, or how he felt right now.  It was tougher than he realised, there were just so many to choose from. “I think you’re wonderful and look amazing.” Were the words he finally settled on.  No one had ever called her amazing before; M’Niia just felt normal, she didn’t even thing she was the prettiest member of her family, let allow worthy of such praise. Tears came to her eyes. “Did I say something wrong?” C’Rren asked with deep concern.  It wasn’t the sort of response he’d expected from being honest.  Then again this was his first experience of such things and he’d only ever half listened to any advice his parents had even given him.

When M’Niia noticed the sad look in his eyes and the disappointment written across his face, she leaned forward and kissed C’Rren lightly. “No you said just the right things.”

“Does this mean you’d like to be my erm you know erm.” His mind had gone blank and a second kiss didn’t help matters much.  Not that he was complaining about either of them.

“Yes” It was the only word she needed to say.  She knew what the question was, even if he couldn’t get it out. “Yes, yes, yes.”  M’Niia repeated it a few more times each a little louder and with an ever broadening smile.  After that the pair of they couldn’t stop laughing. 

A chance discovery of hidden beacons had drawn the Jaxartes into underspace were it had crashed on an asteroid and been discovered by the Devore and finally dropped here when the warship had been destroyed.  It any one of those events had gone differently the two Caitian would never have met.  The universe was certainly full of surprises.  And on occasions it did magical things to.

They spent the next half hour discussing the future; how to stay in contact, how and where to meet again.  How they were going to break the news to their families.  C’Rren knew his mom would get all soppy when she found out and start babbling about weddings and starting a family.  He wasn’t really looking that far ahead at the moment, being together and realising they both felt something special towards each other; for now that was enough. 


In another part of the ship the ‘Jax’s resident couple; Ensigns Harris and Cho; had been discussing their Caitian friend and co-workers blossoming love life and how happy they were for him.  Things had taken a lightly sour note when Chad had asked when he’d finally get to meet her parents. 

“They don’t know you exist!” The young Korean blurted out in frustration. “I’ve never told them about you.” 

Harris was somewhat taken aback by that statement.  She’d spoke so warmly about the family and how over the moon they’d been to hear she’d found someone special, and she’d lied about the whole thing.  “Why?”

“Because they are extremely old fashioned and wouldn’t approve of me seeing anyone outside our culture.” She admitted frankly.  “Seeing C’Rren and M’Niia together has made me realise I don’t care what they think.  I want to be with you.” 

“You still should tell them though.” Harris told her calmly; though inside he was feeling hurt and annoyed at only just finding this information out.  Cho had spoken to his parents twice over video link since they’d made it official.  His mom was absolutely very happy and had said how beautiful and well-mannered Cho was.  But she’d been keeping him a secret all this time.

“Ok I promise I’ll get in touch with them and explain everything.” Then maybe hide in the Gamma Quadrant for 50 years, she added in her own head.  “Just promise you’ll never leave me.”

“Wild horses and Changelings couldn’t drag me away!” Chad laughed. “You’re stuck with me.”


  • Ahhh it is refreshing to see the different reactions, interactions between the characters and see them flourish in their own way. It is adorable to see C'Rren be that young kid getting all lovely and he got now a girlfriend! I am so glad with this development! Wonderful job!

    July 23, 2024