Part of USS Jaxartes: As The World Falls Down and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Part J: As The World Falls Down

USS Jaxartes
25th September 2401
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It would be soon time for the USS Jaxartes and the SS Alchemist to part company.  All the repair work had been completed and the little Raven class corvette was probably in better shape than she had been at any point since the start of the year.  There had been a few minor upgrades done to; not least of which, was an improvement to the shield strength and harmonics.   Hopefully that meant if it ever passed through another subspace aperture like the ones that linked Underspace, the ship would fare a little better.  There was currently no know way of guaranteeing entry into the system of tunnels without sustaining any form of damage.

That however had become a slight sticking point.  When the Devore Warship had exploded, it had caused a failure of the Underspace corridor it was in.  However it had reformed, at least in part; creating a new aperture which had threatened Vargus III and the scientist down on the planet’s surface.  Half a dozen Quantum torpedoes had collapsed this second opening.  Based on calculations taken from the first incident another aperture should have opened 3 to 4 days later; it was now 13 and there wasn’t even the remotest sign of any new anomaly forming.

The Oberth class science vessel USS Cuyahoga Valley had departed the previous day; off on a hunting expedition for other openings in the sector.


Lieutenant Stuart was sat in the Officers Mess, enjoying a glass of fresh replicated fruit juice; even if the concept did seem to contradict its own existence.  Technically it had never been fruit, juiced or otherwise; but if you sat and dwelled on the general workings of the replicator system, you’d probably never eat aboard a starship again.

Ensign Tholakath came along carrying a steamy mug of something and asked if she minded company.  Waving him to the empty chair opposite; Stuart returned her gaze to the Padd she had on the table.

“Anything interesting?” The Cardassian enquired, pointing at the device. 

“Engineering reports.” Sighed the Orion.  “I don’t know the first thing about engineering, and yet I’ve been keeping an eye on everything whilst the Chief is out of action.” 

“I hadn’t realised it was that bad.” Tholakath replied honestly. 

“It’s ok until the guys from the Alchemist start asking technical questions and I end up turning to crewman Tyson for advice!” Bemoaned the Lieutenant. “I can fly them, but that doesn’t mean I know how to fix them.”

“I though you help fix your fathers cargo vessel?” Commented the Ensign.

“Trust me; you can’t really compare the workings of the ‘Spirit of the Loch’ to the ‘Jax’.” She pointed out, before sniffing the air. “What the heck are you drinking?”

“It’s a traditional Cardasian herbal remedy.” Tholakath informed her; tipping the cup slightly to allow his companion a better look at the greenie-brown sludgy mixture.

“It smells like what dad uses to clean the pipes out.” Remarked Stuart, wrinkling her nose up. “And looks like what pours out of them afterwards.” 

“You don’t know what you’re missing!”

“I think I can resist finding out.” Laughed Stuart, before she took another sip of juice from her glass.

“I still can’t believe how annoyed Doctor Yelavich and his team were when they left!” Commented Tholakath

“I know; one moment we’re hero’s for saving the lives of Spalding and his team.” The Orion remarked. “Next their moaning because they’ve got no aperture to study!” 

“That’s scientists for you!” 

“I mean what did they expect us to do sit back and watch?” 

“As the world falls down!” Added Tholakath


For another member of the crew, it felt like their world was falling down.  Ensign Cho had just completed a rather heated exchange with her parents.  They told her how it had been a big mistake of theirs to allow her to leave Gwangju Saeloun; and that being exposed to so many bad influences at a young age had filled her mind with silly thoughts.  They’d ask her, no in fact told her, was the right phrase to use; that she must return home immediately and fulfil her role within the family and wider community.  What that basically meant was you will work on the family farm and marry whichever one of the local farmers her grandfather chose.  Cho had a good idea who he’d pick.  The man was ugly and more than 20 years older than she was.  Just because he was rich, did not make him a suitable man to spend the rest of her life with.  He had two children from his previous marriage which she would be expected to look after.  His first wife had died before Cho had left the planet, but she had no idea about the circumstances surrounding it. 

She’d never seen her father look so enraged when she’s mentioned Chad; the New Zealander and fellow ensign she wanted to be with.  All New Zealanders were criminals; the lowest of the low and no vermin like that should be allowed to even look at his beautiful daughter, let alone touch her.  He even threatened to rip Chad’s heart out and feed it to the pigs. 

Those comments had broken Cho’s heart.  Yes New Zealand had been used as a Penal Colony, but not everyone living there was a prisoner; large areas were occupied by ordinary people living out their own lives.  The Harris’s were wonderful warm hearted people, nothing like the image her father was creating.

She’d broken the video link soon after those comments, and being the ships Communications Officer, she could easily block any future attempts by her family to make contact.  What had happened to the loving parents she’d said goodbye to.  They hadn’t really congratulated her on her Graduation; and Cho never told them she’d been assigned to a small corvette.  What had changed during her time away?  Was it Grandfathers domineering and controlling personality; had he broken their spirit and independence? 

The young Korean had lay on her bed, half curled in a ball for more than an hour afterwards, sobbing softly.  There was no going home now; her family would never accept what she wanted in life. What a complete contrast to the wonderful time she’d had two nights ago, celebrating her 21st Birthday.  No, this ship was her only family now, and one member of its crew in particular; Chad Harris. 


Ensign Chad Harris; was sat at Helm control when she walked on the Bridge another hour later.  It was time to depart. As she made contact with the crew of the SS Alchemist and set about getting permission to undock, he set about making the final checks a verbally relaying everything to the Vulcan Commander behind him.

“Docking arm sealed and retracting.” He announced. “Gantry Crane Alpha confirmed clear.” 

“Very good.” Replied Salan. “Ensign Cho, request docking release.” 

“Aye Captain.”

“Confirmed, all docking claps are disengaging.” Added Harris. 

“Mister Harris, move us away.” Requested the Vulcan. 

“Aye Captain. Manoeuvring thrusters are at 40% power.” Harris informed his Captain. “Clearing the gantry in one minute.” 

Once the USS Jaxartes was safely clear and sat parallel to the massive ship that had been repairing it for the past two weeks; Commander Salan thanked Captain Johnson and his team of engineers for their hard work and hospitality; and they wished each over a safe journey.  With that the corvette departed on its long journey home. 


Several days past without incident; Ensign Torf, the Chief Engineer was back on his feet, but only performing very light duties.  The tension between Commander Salan and Ensign Devron had eased; which as a result meant the rest of the Bridge crew felt more relaxed and less on edge around them.  Crewman Ishan Rahul continued to be an annoyance, but did nothing that would warrant his dismissal.

There had just been a staff meeting, regarding the latest developments of the Underspace corridors.  For some unexplainable reason, the network appeared to have stopped working; at least in part.  Apertures had disappeared, whilst others were forming but not dragging in the probes and vessel in the way they had before.  None of the scientific experts appeared able to give a plausible explanation.  The whole episode was drawing to a close as bizarrely as it had started. 

Lieutenant Stuart remained seated as the rest got up and walked out of the Aft Observation Lounge; only ensign Tholakath stayed, standing looking out of the big window. “You don’t think we were responsible for wreaking Underspace by firing those six Quantum’s, do you?” She asked him.

The Cardassian didn’t say anything at first, walking over to her, placing a hand on Stuarts shoulder. “As the world falls down!” He said softly tapping the shoulder lightly and walking out. 

Stuarts head sank down resting on the table. “Oh, crap!”


  • Nice Stuart is showing her colors as she has no idea what she doing with Engineering, it is good to show weakness of a character, Stuard not being an engineer only makes her a stronger character to read about. Cho had to deal with traditional things and it is gravity on her shoulders putting a lot of weight. Chad better up his game and give ome loving care. Great post!

    July 23, 2024