Part of USS Anaheim: Trail of Stars

Campfires & Stars

Lya Station Alpha
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Callum watched from an observation window as the USS Anaheim was pulled into Lya Station Alpha. He had taken care of transferring the two crewmembers who could now expect charges of smuggling, the contraband having been discovered during a cargo transfer. He disliked having to do it, but the rules were clear, and he had not felt comfortable dragging out anyone’s punishment.

Luckily, the station presented a chance for the crew to rest after they had found themselves suddenly across the galaxy from their normal service area. The two ensigns had been popular with their duty shifts, and morale had been low for one thing. As well the chance to have the Anaheim properly looked at after the damage to the engines had been worth diverting to the Stardock. 

Callum knew he was the last one to move to shore leave, the station crew had taken over piloting the starship into the docking portion, and engineering would watch over the repairs. He had been given leave to release most of the crew for rest and recovery, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave his ship. Watching it glide into place, the larger ships in the dock dwarfing his command, he still breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the holding tractor beams snap into place. Feeling tension he hadn’t realized had been knotting his shoulders relax, Callum turned from the viewport and headed towards the promenade.

The holodeck never ceased to amaze. Callum knew he was light years away from one of his favorite places on Earth, and yet the sounds of the night time insects and the scent of woodsmoke felt as real as ever. 

Leaning back, he could hear the water of the river tumbling over the waterfall and feel the cool air from it’s mist. The illusion was broken some by the Bajoran pottery, and other assorted trinkets he had purchased while on the station’s market section. The purchases were haphazardly piled against the wooden logs, and the flickering campfire cast interesting shadows over his newly acquired goods. He had thought it was time to add a little personality to his ready room, and the marketplace had been the usual, wonderful eclectic mix he loved about the Federation.

As the fire burned, the wood snapping and cracking, he let himself stretch out and just take a moment. He had pursued Command, knowing that he wanted to be at the helm of a starship, exploring and serving the Federation. But there were times the gap between himself and the others felt larger than it usually did. He knew everyone had their own style of command, and he personally felt the balance they’d struck was a good one onboard the Anaheim. But he was always looking to improve, and there were times he wished he had spent more time as an XO aboard a larger ship. 

Shaking his head, he knew there was no reason to moan a quick rise to command. And if he felt there was something to be changed, relaxing by a fire alone wasn’t going to change it. “Computer. Please reserve a dining table and replicator use for the senior officers of the Anaheim. Extend an invitation to their quarters for dinner tomorrow at 18:00. Specify informal attire as this is optional,” he said and was glad to hear the confirmation.

Standing, he was glad to have sent the invitation. It would let the senior crew get to unwind a little, and give him a chance to thank them as Callum. Not just their captain. “Computer, set time to noon. Soft cloud cover, and move to lakeshore nearby. Provide fly fishing gear,” Callum said with a smile, figuring he would enjoy some fishing before returning to his temporary quarters. 


  • Thank you so much for participating in the competition and allowing us to accompany Callum in the story "Campfire & Stars." Whilst the story ultimately did not place, the only reason is that the quality of all the submissions was so high, that it presented a really challenge to score! That said, what made this story stand - out to me was how you transitioned the reader from Callum's daily life and concerns - giving us a great insight into who he is and what drives him and then demonstrate how his sojourn in the Holo-deck begins to permeate his stresses as it works it's magic and Callum begins to let go and start to wind - down. I find this a confident use of Character that establishes Callum as a fully - formed "3-Dimensional"person for me as a reader! Thank you for sharing him with us, I am keen to see where his further adventures aboard the USS Anaheim take us all?

    September 4, 2024