Part of USS Jaxartes: Shore Leave: Chad and Cho

Today, tomorrow and for always

Earth, New Zealand
12th October 2401
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Ensign Chad Harris stood; bare feet in the sand wearing nothing but a pair of aqua and dark blue board-shorts as watched the lone figure of a young Korean woman in a pale green summer dress paddling at the water’s edge.  He could feel the last few warm rays of the sun and the soft gently breeze sweeping in off the sea.  He could also sense he was no longer alone in looking at the woman, roughly 70 meters away. 

“Your mother is really taken by her.” Came the gravelly voice of the fifty something male that’d just approached. “And you know what a good judge of character she is.” He continued with a smile; recalling the moment he’d laid eyes on his now wife, some thirty-two years ago.  It had been no love at first sight, in fact far from it.  A far cry from how things appear to have gone for his eldest son and the girl he’d fallen in love with.

Chad turned slightly to look at his father who was sporting a pair of khaki pants and a cream coloured short sleeved shirt, only half buttoned up.  “I’m glad you both like her.” He said softly. “Thanks again for letting her come along.” 

Thomas placed a hand gently on his youngest sons shoulder.  “We knew something was going on that time you got in touch.  The sparkle in your eye and that cheeky grin of yours you get when you’ve got a secret.”

“Was I that obvious?” Chad enquired.

“About as obvious as when you tried to help sneak that bike into the barn for your cousin!” His father laughed.

The young ensign remembered that day with mixed feeling.  His cousin hadn’t long turned twenty; Chad himself was still 13 at the time.  Alex had wanted to buy some old relic of the past; a Honda motorcycle of some sort, which this guy he knew had found on their grandfather’s property.  His dad had given him a stern ‘no’ when asked about the bike.  Regardless though, Alex had scrapped together enough money by doing a few extra shifts at the local store. 

Chad had been all nervous smiles and furtive looks after he’d helped wheel the rusted monster into the barn.  Dad knew full well what was up; even took a sneaky look at the bike after everyone else had gone to bed; but rather than tell his brother what was going on and have an argument, Thomas had just let the matter rest. 

For seven years Alex had worked in secret; at least from his own father; on that thing, with the occasional assistance from Chad.  The day it roared and thundered into life; some 90 years after it last had last done so, was a remarkable one.  But Alex or anyone else for that matter had never once taken the Honda out on the open road.  It still sat in that barn with a cover over it.

“Any way.” His father continued, bringing Chad back to the present. “Your ma just contacted me.  So we should be heading back.”

Chad nodded and headed out towards Cho, still standing at the water’s edge.  From behind he slipped his arms around the young women’s waist and gave her a brief soft kiss on the left cheek.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” She said softly. “Such a wonderful place, and I’ve not felt sand between my toes since I was little.” A tear came to her eye, and memories of when she felt her parents actually cared about her.  Those days seemed distant now. 

Sensing what was on Cho’s mind; the young New Zealander moved around in front.  “I don’t care what anyone else thinks about us.”  Chad told her honestly.  “I love you and that’s all that matters. Today, tomorrow and for always.” With that he scooped the young Korean up in his arms and began carrying her off the beach.

She giggled and rested her head against his chest.  “I love you to.” Cho replied a few moments later.  “You are my world. My pretty boy.” 

It only took Chad a few minutes to carry Cho back to his father’s GEV.  She was only light and after years of Rugby and Wrestling, he was rather fit and muscular.   The drive back to the outskirts of Rolleston, were the family lived; was a relatively short one.  Though in reality the vehicle basically operated itself, so Chad’s father although sat at the controls, was just another passenger.  It hovered and skimmed across the surface of the road; racing along as its sophisticated onboard computer scanned and monitored the road ahead and everything else in the surrounding vicinity. 


When they arrived at the Harris’s residence, a simple looking single story building of mostly wooden construction; Mrs. Harris was standing on the veranda.  A flowery apron covered the lower half of the copper coloured dress she wore, which almost matched the shade of her curly shoulder length hair, now showing the odd hint of grey here and there.

Chad was the first one to reach her, giving his mother a quick peck on the cheek; before she instructed him to get cleaned up before Dinner.  Mr. Harris received the same instructions from his wife and gave her a slightly longer kiss. 

“Need any help with anything Mrs. Harris?”  Ask Cho as she approached. 

“Oh dear, call me Mary.” The older women smiled. “I told you that this morning when you arrived.”

“Ok, Mi…Mary.  I’ll try to remember.” Cho replied, with a hint of embarrassment.  She wasn’t even this informal with her own parents, so being on first name terms with someone she saw as an elder and therefore someone to respect, did go against how she’d been brought up and would take some getting used to.

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m nearly finished.” Mary announced warmly. “And I’ve got Martin laying the table.  So you get yourself washed up.” 


It was roughly half an hour later when the five of them all sat down at the table.  Mary noted with a smile that her eldest son was a real gent and eased Cho’s seat behind her.  She also saw the look of a young lady, who was far from used to being treated like that.

The meal itself was fish; real un-replicated cod to be exact, with rice and a mix of vegetables.  Everyone tucked in; chatting between delicious mouthfuls, though in Martin’s case, not always between.  He was eager to know more about the adventures his big brother was having up in space.  The fact that he’d brought along his girlfriend was of only secondary concern. 

Chad explained some of the latest things that had happened, along with the ‘Jax’s recent journey through ‘Underspace’.  Cho added her own bits of information throughout the conversation, her confidence building as the evening progressed and she began to feel more relaxed in the presence of his family.  Mary could see the young Korean woman was certainly enjoying the food on offer.  Though she would never openly admit it, she missed her eldest son.  Starbase 86 was so far away and talking over subspace, just wasn’t the same.  So the fact he’d now managed to visit them twice this year, had really lifted her heart; and to see he’d found someone special, was even more wonderful. 

The meal was basically finished when Cho noticed the time.  “It’s getting late, I’d better get going.” She announced.  “Thank you for your hospitality and a wonderful meal Mrs.  I mean Mary.”

“Why don’t you stop the night?” Mrs. Harris asked.

“I couldn’t impose on you like that.”  Cho replied

“Nonsense dear, we’d be happy for you to stay.” Mary continued.  “We’ve got a spare room with a bed.  I’m sure we can find something for you to sleep in.” 

“That’s ok; I tend to sleep n…” Cho’s sentence was cut off by a rather loud and prolonged cough from Chad. “Bit of fish.” He added with a weak smile, tapping his chest lightly. 

His dad just rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling; whilst his younger brother pulled a face, that suggested he was confused and may have missed something interesting.  Mary for her part just carried on like nothing had happen.  “That’s settled then.  Chad if you’d like to grab some sheets out of the airing cupboard.  With all that cadet training you should manage to make a bed.”

Chad looked back at his mother as he got up from the table.  She could be very cheeky at times, probably were he got it from; and it was true to say, that when he was younger, he just didn’t have a clue about doing basic stuff like making his own bed.  That was what a mother was for, and for her own part, Mary had just gone along and did it.  He’d certainly grown up in the last five years. 


It was a couple of hours later when Chad found himself out the back of the house on the swing seat; cuddled up with Cho, as they looked up at the stars together.  She was wearing one of his old fleece lined sweatshirts, though it was way too big for her sender frame; a blanket also covered her legs. Both of which helped to keep the young Korean warm in the cool night air. 

“I could sit and hold you like this all night.” Chad whispered softly in her ear.

“I’d be half tempted to let you.” She replied looking up into his eyes.

“Only half?” He enquired; giving her a quick kiss. 

“Yeah, I just don’t fancy been found frozen solid in the morning when your parents get up.” Cho laughed, before easing herself out of the swing seat and heading for the back door.  “Come on, bed.”

“Is that an instruction or a request?” Chad winked back. 

Cho simply stuck out her tongue in way of reply and disappeared inside.  The young New Zealander; sat there a moment longer, reflecting on what a wonderful day it had been.  To see her looking so happy and enjoying an ordinary trouble free day was all he could ever ask.  Chad wanted to be with Cho; today, tomorrow and for always.


  • Congratulations on placing a very respectable third in the competition with your story "Today, tomorrow and always." Whilst it may not of secured the top gong (the quality of all the stories tendered for the comp was satisfyingly high), it certainly deserves a place on the podium. What resonated with me so deeply was that you introduced different levels of relationship, from lovers to siblings to family members and orchestrated their dynamic so satisfyingly. As a reader, I really did feel, as an observer, that I was just like another person invited as a house guest for the weekend. The way that you confidently weave credible and compelling detail in conversations and garnish with fantastic descriptive narrative describing small domestic flourishes - just served together to make this story so engaging and believable! Really top - notch writing! Kudos!!

    September 4, 2024