Part of Mirage Station: On the Edge of Nowhere

A New Home

Mirage Station
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The sleek look of a new station wasn’t something that was witnessed everyday and as the shuttle approached the gruff man who was to be its new commander smiled under his moustache. His white hair shining in the artificial light of the shuttle. He looked at the seat adjacent to him to see his XO who was younger than him, but just as capable. He chose her due to her experience with post away from civilization and this was no different.

“Well Commander, it looks like we have arrived to our new home. This whole situation reminds me of westerns of old and makes me think we could see some interesting things out here.” his voice rough and gravely held the weight of command, but also conveyed his age as well.

The younger officer looked at her Captain and nodded “It is going to be an adventure that’s for sure.” She looked at her PADD “Do we have anyone on the station already or are we the first of the crew to arrive?” she always had the interest of her job above small talk.

Carson looked at her and shook his head “Already ready to work, Commander? I think you could take a moment to appreciate this view.” he said trying to show his XO that there was more to this moment than just the normal duties of the job.

Ellis sighed and looked out the window to see the station and had to admit it was quite a view. She hadn’t seen a new station so it was a sight to behold, but she still was wanting the Captain to answer her question. She was getting agitated that he ignored the question, but was trying to not show it.

Carson looked over at here “And to answer your question we do have someone on the station our Chief Engineering Officer. While, I have never worked with her she has come highly recommended and is a well known engineer. She has done some crazy things like climbing into an active warp core to save her crew.”

Ellis’s eyes got wide “She climbed into an active warp core! Who is crazy enough to do that?!” she couldn’t believe someone could actually do that. It was crazy enough to do some of the work that engineers do, but that one was crazier than standing in a pit with rattlesnakes, though she had done that.

Carson chuckled slightly “It seems as if this Commander has and it looks like we are going to meet her momentarily. Are you ready to see what this new home holds for us?”

Ellis simply nodded and watched as the shuttle begin to make its final approach to the station. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen in this new journey, but what he did know is he was excited for the new challenges that lay ahead. As a man who had seen so much this was a change of pace he was ready for.

The station was magnificent and its systems were in the best shape of any Koerner had worked on in years, though this was the first station she had ever been on that was brand new. The shine was apparent and it was going to take some work to get the stations kinks out. No station ran smoothly from the start and that was something she had learned before joining Starfleet.

She had been looking into the stations systems to prepare for the arrival of her new CO and XO when she heard the call for her to meet them in the hanger. She quickly made her way to the hanger bay trying to determine the best way to get there. The station had so many decks and trying to determine the best path was one of the more exciting challenges.

She arrived in the hanger bay only minutes later to see the two figures who she would be reporting to and she could admit it was not a pair she would have imagined. The Captain was older and clearly a veteran, but the Commander did not look near as old especially to be an XO, then again Koerner had different opinions through what she had seen.

She stopped in front of them with a smile and introduced herself “Hello Captain, Commander I am Commander Natalya Koerner, your new Chief Engineer.”

Carson nodded and extended his hand “I am Captain Blaze Carson, the new station CO. It looks like the station is ready for anything we throw at it. Am I wrong in assuming that?”

Koerner held up her hands “As of this moment yes, but remember that as an engineer I am cautiously optimistic to new systems, but I am also excited to get my hands on the warp core.” she said as her eyes twinkled.

Ellis was sure that conversations with this engineer would be interesting “I am Lieutenant Commander Sofia Ellis, the stations XO. I am sure we will get to know each other soon, but my question is what does the ops center look like. I have a love for a good sleek console to work from.”

Koerner smirked it seemed like this new XO would be someone she could spend time with, but the hard accent seems like there was more to both of them than what Koerner could currently see. She had to admit she did not research them beforehand. She had been ordered to the station so quickly that she didn’t have much to do other than pack her belongings up and transfer to a ship for her journey to the station.

“Well if you would like I can escort you both to ops.” she said as she extended a hand in the direction of the exit.

Carson nodded “Lead the way. Let’s see what the station has to offer us.”