Part of USS Echelon: We Are Here To Help

1 – A Call For Aid

USS Echelon
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Aris was sat in his brand-new seat digesting and arranging his thoughts. When they had returned from the Yadev II system, they had been informed of a disease outbreak amongst several worlds previously under the authority of the Romulan Empire. It was decided the Auckland was not suited to a mission of this assignment. 

Aris felt a pang of momentary loss as the Commodore’s words sunk in. But, according to the old earth saying, every cloud has a silver lining and instead the crew were getting transferred with immediate effect to the USS Echelon. The first of her class to carry the name and designed exclusively around humanitarian aid and engineering support. 

With the evolving situation in the former neutral zone and many worlds lacking infrastructure and medical support, the decision was made. The USS Echelon was transferred to Aris’ command, and they were dispatched under priority order to the Proteus System.

“Captain, we are approaching the outer edge of the Proteus system.” Emma broke the silence. “Estimated arrival in 3 minutes, sir.”

“Thank you, Ensign.” Aris was all business. “Drop us out of warp as soon as we cross the border and bring the ship to a full stop.”

“Aye sir.” Emma returned to her console and tapped in the updated commands, preparing to drop the ship out of warp the minute they entered the system. “Dropping out of warp now sir…engaging full stop.”

The bridge shuddered slightly at the rapid deceleration and only once the ship had completely stopped did Aris get to his feet. Approaching the viewscreen he turned to face his senior crew.

“Captain Suin to Lieutenant Yates.”

“Go ahead, Captain.” Nora replied. “What can I do for you?”

“Priority mission received, please report to the bridge immediately.” Aris answered. “You’ll get a kick out of this.”

“I’m intrigued, Captain.” Nora replied. “I’m on my way.” she finished before closing the channel.

Back on the bridge, Gin couldn’t help herself. “Captain, what’s going on?”

“I find myself asking that too.” Gin also asked as she entered the bridge.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Aris nodded in greeting as Nora took an available seat. “Time is of the essence and we are rapidly running out of it.”

“How so?” Gin asked from the first officer’s position.

“As we all know with the dissolution of the Romulan Star Empire, vast areas of the former neutral zone have been left to fend for themselves.” Aris began. “Our original orders were a simple survey mission of these colonies, but unfortunately our orders have changed.”

“I’m not liking the sound of this.” Emma murmured from her station.

“Starfleet Intelligence has received news that the Proteus System has been ravaged by an outbreak of Terrellian Plague.” Aris continued. “This is a treatable and preventable illness throughout the Federation but now several colonies have reported an outbreak and there isn’t the infrastructure to treat and prevent this infection. The Reman administrator of the Proetus System has issued a formal call for aid and Starfleet is responding.”

The bridge was silent as the crew absorbed this new information before all the voices started speaking at once. Holding a hand up to slow the onslaught of questions, Aris outlined their plan. “We are relying entirely on information being provided by the medical teams on the ground in Proto II and the outlying mining colonies but we won’t know more until we are on the ground.”

“And if Romulan paranoia is anything to go by, these Remans may be hesitant to disclose how bad the outbreak is for fear of Starfleet not wanting to risk their crew.” Taylor spoke up from behind his console.

“Exactly.” Aris nodded in thanks. “Until we have our own verified data we will rely on the Reman’s information. Doctor Yates and Officer Andrews please oversee genomic sequencing and biosecurity protocols. If we can find the source of the infection.”

Damien and Nora both nodded. It was go time. Aris watched them leave the bridge already deep in discussion.

“Ensign Shan, I want a full tactical analysis of the system and you will work alongside Lieutenant T’Keterk and Ensign Malra to assist with any deployable technology we can use, whether this be additional subspace relays, defense platforms or fabricated structures and technology we can donate. I want an update in three hours.” Aris turned to face his operations team as they all responded in the affirmative.

“I appreciate I am throwing a lot at you all, but I have the utmost faith we will pull through.” Aris spoke to who was left. 

Aris returned to stand beside his chair as he looked over his first officer and chief navigator. 

“Commander Fenway and Ensign Swain, I am going to be relying strongly on the pair of you.” Aris began with a deep breath. “What we do here has the potential to go very well and improve relations with the Remans for generations to come, or it could go the wrong way resulting in a massive diplomatic failure.”

“Of course, sir.” Emma replied as Gin nodded along. “What do you need from us?”

“Effective immediately we are now on call 24/7, nothing moves in this system, resident or ship, without us knowing about it and definitely not without appropriate screening.” Aris continued getting the pair up to speed. “Ensign Swain, I want you to personally oversee and manage system-wide traffic and shuttle launches. I understand this is a step up in your current responsibilities but I trust you to make the right calls. Your instincts are unparalleled.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Emma blushed at the praise. “I won’t let you down.”

“I know, Ensign.” Aris replied with a smile. “Commander Fenway, if you would please act as witness for the official log.”

Gin nodded as she tapped a command into her padd.

“Ensign Swain, from the moment you joined my crew, I knew you had the makings of greatness. You have made the best of all situations and really stepped up to the plate in Yadev. No matter what I threw your way, you always pulled through with stellar results.” Aris began as he retrieved a small black case from the storage compartment in his armrest.”

“Ensign Swain, it is my honor to officially promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, with all rights and responsibilities. Your security clearance has been updated accordingly and with your new rank you have been promoted to Chief Flight Control Officer.”

“Congratulations, Lieutenant.” Aris finished as he applied a new rank pip to her insignia. “Very well deserved.”

“Ships log has been updated, Captain.” Gin updated as Aris retook his seat. 

“Thank you, Commander.” Aris replied. “Bring us into sensor range and open a channel, Lieutenant Swain.” Aris finished as he straightened his uniform.