Part of USS Denver: Mission 5: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Keeping the Blue Side Up

Flight Operations
September 9, 2374 T +3 hours
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Sh’iv approached her fighter with her helmet under her arm,  and weapons officer at her side. “Greg, get in and get the systems fired up, and I’ll do the walk-around.”

The ensign nodded, “Sure thing.”

As she walked around her fighter she pulled the safety pins arming the ordinance.  Checking the control thrusters and the thin layer of ablative armor over the vital systems she was satisfied.  Entering the fighter she slid into the pilot’s seat and started the cockpit preflight checks.

Ming was finishing the exterior walk around and looked at the torpedoes slung under the port wing.  There was one quantum torpedo which wasn’t a standard load out even though the latter had been rolled out two to three years ago.   He turned and shot a big smile at CPO3 Andrews who was trailing him with Órlaith by her side. 

He asked, “Two quantum torpedoes each side?  Andrews, I could kiss you!”

The NCO smiled at him a heartbeat later and replied, “Ya don’t have enough time for that L. T.  If ya make it back in one piece though….Well, I might let it slide.  Just once mind.” 

She nodded toward her companion and said, “Órlaith here gave me the idea indirectly.  Once that bug went into my ear I remembered we had four in stores not snagged by tactical yet.  You and Knight two split em along with two photons each for the rest of the Knights. Figured they’d be more useful out there than in here from the way things sound.”  

They’d been moving during the conversation.  As he got to the ladder he paused before heading up and said, “You ain’t wrong.   From what little the Tigris told me and from what Captain Talon said, though details are scarce, it is going to be one hell of a tough nut to crack. Even a small ace up the sleeve like these are likely to be useful.” 

He smiled at the two women and said, “Nice work you two.”

Órlaith nodded, “Of course sir, but I am confused.  Don’t you need launchers to make these work?” 

“May I,” Ming asked directing the query toward Andrews. 

The NCO nodded and said, “By all means L.T.” 

Marcus nodded graciously then turned to the other woman and said, “Using them conventionally, yes.  In a toe to toe starship exchange that might even be the most effective use.  It’s not the only one however.” 

He briefly pointed for illustration before taking a step or two up the ladder while he talked,  “There is a circuit in each pylon that will activate the warhead with a command from the cockpits.  There are a few creative ways to use the full sized warheads from a fighter mounted like this since they’re better able to launch micro-torpedo casings in larger amounts.”    

“Arming and then laying them as mines is one very useful option for them.  Flying at high speed toward an enemy warship, dropping an armed torpedo and then pulling away abruptly allowing momentum to take the torpedo the rest of the way can also be of occasional use too.  Not always to the same effect as firing them from a starship torpedo bay but there’s some advantage to them coming from a small vessel like this too.  The Dominion won’t likely expect it either.  It’s not a tactic often in use by our starfighters.  They’ll get one hell of an education about it though,” the Knight’s commanding officer explained.

Órlaith raised an eyebrow.  After a moment. “Regular rearming will be necessary I assume.”

Ming replied, “Standard procedure on the flight line as I recall from my training on the flightline.  I presume that hasn’t changed, Petty Officer Andrews?”

“Yessir.  Pretty straight forward prep on our end, Miss Murphy.  Afterwards while out there the L.T. or any of the pilots hit a button in the cockpit causing the torpedo to roar to life,” Andrews said.

“Right before we drop it and it wreaks merry havoc on the bad guys.  It’s a tactic I wish we hadn’t had the need to figure out but it wasn’t quite a choice we could avoid making.  My mom used to tell me to never start a fight….but to make sure I could finish a fight if one was started.  A sentiment we all need to take to heart these days I think,” Ming added with no small regret in his voice toward the end. 

Marcus aimed a high wattage smile at the two women as he settled into the cockpit after climbing the remainder of the ladder and added, “Keep the campfires going for us.  We hopefully won’t be gone too long.”

Andrews laughed, “You got it!” 

His violet eyes focused Órlaith and said with a small but warm smile, “See you when I get back.  Try not to get into TOO much trouble while I am gone.”    

“Trouble is my middle name sir,” Órlaith replied.

 Marcus laughed and said, “Somehow that’d not surprise me one bit. Either which way I am quite glad to have you with us Miss Murphy.”  

Órlaith flashed Ming a smile and rushed after Andrews. 

Ming swung into the cockpit and started the preflight.  He was glad he’d insisted on the specialized flight suits. They which were leaner and space worthy versions of the old pressure suits worn by SR-71 pilots in the late 20th century.  Black with a departmental stripe at chest level much like the SOBs used by special ops.  The helmets were, likewise, black.  His had the word, “Lunartic” stenciled over the visor with a straight jacket within a sketch of Earth’s natural satellite, mostly referred to Luna these days, on each side. It’d not allow for much more than 45 minutes to an hour out in the big dark but that was something.  He tapped his com, “Knights….Knight Actual preflight complete, all green.”

Knight Two, we’re green here sir,” Sh’iv replied. 

McPhearson’s voice came next, “Knight 3 – all green.”  

T’Kown followed with Erickson’s voice rounded the wing – All green.  Marcus gave the groundcrew a thumbs up indicating all good in a centuries old tradition to let everyone know all was ready to go followed by the signal to clear the launchways.  They’d be out of warp any minute and they’d be launching shortly thereafter if he’d read things right.  

He added over the coms, “When we launch we launch safeties off and weapons hot.  As discussed Knight 5 will have my wing with 3 and 4 on Knight 2’s wings.   I’ll call out any changes as needed.  Otherwise we wait for our cue to go.  Hold fast Knights.” 

After only a few elevated heartbeats later Captain Talon exhibited what seemed like perfect timing: 

Lieutenant Ming,” the Captain’s voice came over his combadge. “We’re dropping out of warp. Prepare to launch immediately.” 

Ming here.  Ready to go, Captain.  The Valkyries are ready to fly and the Knights are ready for a fight,” Marcus said with a cold, deadly seriousness.  

You best get to it Mr. Ming,” Rebecca said flatly. 

The bay doors had been opened with the forcefields up allowing for a view of the starlines of FTL travel.  True to her word they dropped to pinpoints of light.  That was their cue. 

“Knight Actual to all knights.  We’re launching safeties off and weapons hot.  Knight’s 3, 4 and 5:  You have a photon under each wing.  I and Knight 2 managed a couple of ill gotten quantums.  Let’s put em to good use on the Dominion at the first solid opportunity,” Ming said over the flight frequency.

He waited a heartbeat before adding, “We’re out of warp! Launch, launch, launch!” 

At the third launch he took off and fired out of the launch bay at maximum launch speed at such conditions.  Once clear he turned and slowed waited for the other four fighters to join him.  As they did so his internal barometer sank by a kilometer or two.  His sensors, both the fighter’s and his mark 1s, painted a bleak picture.  They were, in simple terms, out numbered. He banished his worries as a thought brought a smirk to his lips:  Odds weren’t the end all and be all.  

He switched to a prearranged secure frequency,”Tigris control, Knight Actual.  Permission to engage.” 

The reply came within seconds, “Granted!  Join the Rangers and Sabercats in the attack against that Jem’Hadar Battle Cruiser 097 degrees z plus 5700 klicks from your current vector!”  Ming grinned predatorily and said, “As ordered!”   

A quick change of frequencies tied his flight in with the Rangers and Sabercats.  He radioed, “Knight Actual checking in.  Good to be flying with you Sabercat Actual.  Nice to fly with you again Rangers.  I hear we have a Jem’Hadar heavy to take out.  Let’s see what we can do with five Valkyries and 15 Peregrines shall we?” 

The feminine voice coming over coms next was one all to familiar to him, “Ranger Actual to Knight Actual…Good to have you flying with us too. You’re birds are more able to maneuver — I propose you fly cover for us while we make a run.” 

Knight actual to Ranger Actual – Roger.  I hope you don’t mind if we take a pot shot or three if the opportunity arises.  Otherwise cover your collective asses.  On it,” Ming grinned at the chuckles both familiar and not.  He went on, “Let’s dance to their tune Knights.  Knights 2, 3, and 4 with the Sabercats.  Knight 5 and I will cover the Rangers. Please acknowledge Knight 2.”

“If we don’t get blown out of the sky I expect these ships to become more common once the field testing is done,” Sh’iv said as she formed up on Ming’s right wing. She bobbed her head and flashed him a “peace sign” through the cockpit window. 

Ming smirked with a confidence he didn’t feel quite like he let on, “Tsk, tsk.  We won’t win this one with that attitude Knight 2.  It’s the Jem’Hadar that should be peeing their flight suits at the sight of us.” 

Ranger Actual chimed in, “Still ignoring odds are we Knight Actual?”

“A beautiful woman taught me that trick Ranger Actual.  It’s served us both well so far.  We can discuss it over drinks after we regroup after this fight.  I’d recommend staying on mission until then,”  Ming said followed by a soft chuckle.  

“We’ve got incoming,” Sh’iv announced “12 o’clock high… and low. Looks like Jem’Hadar fighters on an intercept.”

On it!  Five, maneuver Tango 2 Alpha!  3, 2, 1, go,” Ming ordered.

The Valkyries were living up to their reputations so far and Ming was starting to be glad Fleet had allowed Denver to be a testbed for the fighters.  Agile and decently armed.  He and Knight 5 dropped their speed and pulled a complicated maneuver pulling up toward the belly of two Jem’Hadar fighters.  They didn’t even get the chance to maneuver before phaser bursts and two micro torpedo slammed into each fighter’s underside.   The two Valkyries flew through the fading explosions and otherwise shredded materials that WERE two aggressors. 

That was a trick that almost certainly just lost it’s effectiveness.  That was fine because Ming had more.  There was a lot of astrometrical fun in Betazed’s star system.  The question was would they be able to take advantage of it?   He asked himself that as he and Erikson rejoined Ming’s old squadron.   

“Thanks Knight Actual and 5.   There’s one of the reasons we miss you in our squadron,” Ranger Actual’s voice said over the frequency. 

A gutturally accented voice came over the radio, “Knight 5 to Ranger Actual.  I think you have seen nothing yet.” 

There wasn’t much time for more conversation as the Battlecruiser started to spit out what amounted to anti-starfighter fire.  Ming swore before ordering, “Knights, Rangers and Sabercats – Evasive pattern Tigris Theta four! Hit this bastard and scatter in pairs.  Regroup at rally point Rapunzel.” 

Ming hadn’t intended to take command of this fighter element but it seemed he just did. He….hoped to good effect.   That explained why the Gem’hadar had moved out of the way.  He did what he did best….Focused on the job at hand.  

Sh’iv grunted as she flung her ship into a hard right, and then felt her stomach in her throat as she pushed the nose over ducking under the belly of a Cardassian cruiser with a fighter on her tail.

“Greg use the quantums,” she ordered.

Her weapons officer armed the two quantum torpedoes and jettisoned them from the under wing pylons.  Sh”iv slammed the throttle open as the Jem’Hadar flew into the explosives.  It immediately lost control and slammed into the Cardassian ship and was obligated.   The Cardassian ship took heavy damage from the impact and was now out of the fight.

As the fighter wings pulled away from the crippled craft Ming said over the channel, “Nice work Knight 2.   Nice work.”

The orders for the Sabercats came on the Tigris command channel sending them on another vector and mission over the command channel leaving the Rangers and Knights to take on the next mission with just the two squadrons.  That pleased Ming to some degree as he was familiar with the way most of the Rangers flew including his counterpart.  Despite that he had a feeling about the big picture overall that he didn’t much like but he pushed that to the back of his mind.  

At that moment another sinal came over the ether.  Riandri Nalam‘s familiar voice ordered, “Lieutenant Ming, we are detecting escape pods from the Mississauga and other federation vessels. Have your squadron provide cover for them while they make their way towards us.”

Ming checked the situation and scowled.   He saw that the Denver was in trouble too but that was the case with too many Allied starships in the neighborhood.  His voice came back as a growl as he switched over to that frequancy and said, “Acknowledged Denver.”

He wasn’t about to disobey a lawful order but he liked it not a bit.  He switched back to the Tigris designated fighter net and said, “We just got new orders Ranger Actual.  You all be careful out there.  I’m buying drinks for both wings after this so make sure you’re all around for it.

“We will just have to take you up on that Marcus.  Just be sure you and your wing is there for it too,” Ranger Actual responded. 

Switching back to the Knight’s frequency Ming said, “Alright Knights….Protect those escape pods!”

Understood sir!” Sh’iv replied over the coms.  She adjusted course and after a few seconds she slid in beside Marcus, her micro-torpedoes loaded and armed. “Down to only a handful of torpedoes sir, but I will fly cover until I can’t.” 

Hold fast Knight 2.  The Valkyrie Type IX cannons ain’t nothing to sneeze at.  Consider making your shots count be they phaser shots or micro torpedoes count every opportunity to be a standing order.  That goes for everyone although that apparently doesn’t need to be said,” Ming said with a smile coming across in the tone of his voice toward the end of the last sentence.

That smile faded a moment later.  The sense from the Federation allied fleet was almost tangible.  His sensors only confirmed what his senses were telling him.  They were losing.  Badly.   The blood in his veins turned to ice with one transmission among many.  The USS Tucson was faltering under heavy fire and the crew was abandoning ship. Ranger Wing was already lost in the tangle before them. 

Ming cut into the comm channel the Knights were using,“Knight Actual to Knight two….I’m going off mission for an indefinite period.  The Tucson is lost and I need to verify survivors.  I……” 

Ming hears the utter anguish in his voice a bit too late.  With a will of effort he steadied his voice and continued, “I cannot ask any of you to join me and disobey orders.  I will be back shortly….I aim to just verify there are survivors, radio any available ship to aid with rescue then return.  I shouldn’t be long.” 

“Don’t do it sir,” Sh’iv’s voice broke over the intercom. “We have survivors here that we know about, and we have orders sir. I don’t know what the Tucson means to you, but I know these people here mean something to someone.” 

Two things started to happen almost instantly after the Knight XO finished speaking.  First the escape pods started to vanish in the shimmer of Federation transporters.  The Denver and another allied ship moved in signaling that the Cavalry had arrived.  Ming’s sigh of relief went over the flight’s com channel before he said, “Sometimes it pays to be wrong…..”

The second was the stuff of Marcus Ming’s nightmares when he got cut off by a comm signal, “Ranger 3 to all Federation allied forces.  The USS Tucson is destroyed.  The handful of escape pods that managed to get out have been rescued but our wing and the Sabercats are under heavy fire.  Consider this a mayday!”

Marcus didn’t need any more prompting, “Knights….Our immediate task is at an end.  I cannot ask anyone to join me but I intend to do a smash and grab.  I still have two quantum torpedoes, ⅓ of a magazine of micro torpedoes and my phaser emitters have yet to melt.  I’ll be gone long enough to punch a hole in the enemy line long enough to bring the Sabercats and my old wing, the Rangers, back to the Denver where we can rescue the pilots if not the ships.  Short range warp jump, unleash hell, warp back with our friends and go from there.   I know the Rangers would do it for us in a heartbeat if our roles were reversed.  No hard feelings if everyone else wants to stay.” 

Barely a second passed before the com came back to life with Erikson’s accented Federation Standard, “Knight 5 to Knight actual….I’m your wing and am with you.  We must do what we must.”     

Sh’iv pulled up along Marcus, “Let’s get this done.”

Knight three and knight four spoke out in kind.  That was all Ming needed, “Let’s see how many lost sheep we can shephard home Knights.”

Switching frequancies he said, “Knight actual to Sabercats and Rangers….Hang on to your asses foks! We’re on our way!” 

There were so many prime targets but there was only so much damage he and his flight could do given the outnumbered nature things started with let alone where things were at.  He had to focus on only the enemy in the way vs the open season things started as.  Anything he and the Knights had left on the way home would take the brunt when they were almost back to Denver.   

They were on point in short order.  Somehow the Gem’hadar were otherwise occupied as they remained minimally harassed.  The Sabercats and the Rangers were less lucky.  Three members of each fof the other flights remained. Sabercat’s two, four and five plus Ranger’s actual, three and five.   The equal parts luck and skill that kept all five of his pilot/fighter pairs wasn’t lost on him.  Part of that was the balanced agility and fangs of the Valkyries.   If they made it home alive he’d have bottles of his favorite whiskey delivered to the responsible parties that lead to that. As it was he was now responsible in getting 11 pilots and fighters back to the Denver and whatever nearby starships that could accomidate the surviors.  

The blended fighter unit apparently drew some more attention than Denver’s own compliment had done as a Gem’hadar unit vectored in on them.  Ranger actual was the only death during the battle.  The last clear thing Ming would remember was the pathomless anguish and unmeasurable rage that fueled his warcry when his former flight leader as well as former lover died before his eyes.  The next thing he knew the three remaining Sabercats vectored toward a banged up Akira Class near the Denver. The remainining fighters were Denver bound.  Ranger three and his own Knight five had been exposed to dangeriously high radiation after an exchange of fire.  The remaining fighters were flyable but also took damage.  

That said all seven fighters had expended their ordnance and left the dozen Gem’hadar fighters destroyed or damaged.  Right then Ming couldn’t have said if it was a fair tradeoff or not.  His thoughts were broken into a moment later however.

“Denver to Lieutenant Ming.  We are pulling out. Return to ship,” Rebecca’s clipped voice rang over the comm. 

Ming’s own voice replied a moment later sounding ragged and detatched even to him, “Ming to Denver…declaring an emergency.  We’re two fighters heavy.  Ranger three and five have nowhere else to go.   Ranger three and Knight five are able to land but will need immediate medical evac once landed….Radiation exposure.  Please notify the flight bay and sickbay immediately…If they need to eject our spare Peregrines they need to do so now.  The Old Gods know we need whatever we can keep though.” 

“I’ll alert medical. Denver out.”

Ok folks…We’re needing to land pronto and room will be at a premium.  Follow the ground crew’s signals as we go in per standard procedure.  Landing order as follows: Knight 5 followed by Ranger 3 due to medical necessity.  Afterwards Knights 4, then 3, followed by Knight 2 with myself coming in last.  Confirm by numbers….Rangers over Knights in deference to our guests,” Ming said after switching to the fighter’s main frequancy as established by the Tigris.

Acknowledged Knight Actual,” Sh’iv replied as she held back her eyes visually scanning the area and then down to her scanners looking for threats. 

“Ranger 3 confirmed,” a familiar voice said with some weakness.  The acknowledgements came in as laid out by the flight leader.   

Knight 5….(soft, pained grunt)…confirmed,”  Günter said sounding even worse than Ranger 3 did.  

The fighters went into the flight bay as ordered in order.   Knight 5 went in a little shakily but smoothly enough. Ranger 3 went in similarly.  Knight 4 went in without incdient.   

As Knight 3 started her approach something caught Ming’s eye.  A lone pair of Gem’Hadar fighters seemed to be just a bit too casually angeling toward them and the Denver.  That didn’t last long before they adjusted their trajectory and fired off in an entirely different direction.  Juicier targets abound or else orders to regroup Ming figured.  Either way their threat seemed to be gone.   

“I think we’re good Knight 2.  Let’s go home so Denver can get the hell outta Dodge.  There’ll be other fights where the odds will, hopefully, be more in our favor,” Ming raidoed directly to his XO.    

“A retreat to save from total destruction so we can fight again is no defeat at all,” the Andorian pilot responded. Sh’iv throttled up and contacted operations for landing instructions and shot towards the converted shuttle bay.

Once his XO was near the end of her landing pattern Ming started his own landing.  Signaling the landing bay for his own instructions a thought ran through his mind which included two phrases from the past.  This being a “tactical regrouping rather than a retreat” followed by “living to fight another day.”   

As his fighter entered the landing bay he noticed it was a hive of activity and a tightly packed one at that.  It was two peregrines heavy pushing the bay to it’s maximum capacity if not a little bit over.  As he touched down he realized whichever it was it was all thanks to this ground crew.  He’d be buying a literal buttload (the old measure) of drinks for these folks in the not distant future if he had anything to say about it.  

He went through the powerdown sequance with practiced ease even if a bit rushed.  Once done he unbuttoned his craft and exited post haste.  He pulled off his helmet and b-lined it as close to a full on run as he could toward where Ranger 3’s Peregrine and Knight 5’s Valkyrie were parked. When he got close he saw the pilots of both craft being beamed out with folks who were obviously from sickbay.  One of the remaining medical team rushed to meet Ming and said flatly, “What the hell happened to these two?”  

Lt. Ming wasn’t quite sure he liked the tone but decided to overlook it for the moment.  He replied, “The Knights went in to assist the remnants of some other flights with finding the most efficient egress from the battlefield possible.  We got tangled with the Jem’Hadar.  They seemed to be happy with near hits in the same manor of old style depth charges.  A barrage of enemy torpedoes went off in close proximity to a few of our fighters….They were closest.  So far as I was able to ascertain their shields wavered and both ships were overwhelmed with hard radiation.”The medcial officer looked less than pleased.  

Ming added, “The man has been my wingman for a while.   The lady is a member of my previous squadron.  Both are good friends…”

The other looked back at Ming and said, “We’ll do everything we can.  I need to get back to sickbay so I can assist with that.”

The Knight’s commander didn’t hesitate with a nod.  She dissapeared, Marcus assumed, back to sickbay.  He looked around and realized how much this bay was a picture of pure chaos but Chief Xellath was managing it…Bordering on gleefully the fighter commander noted.   He retreated to his office as much to get out of the way as to wright the after action report.  

He’d have to do his best to remind himself that Erikson’s injuries were the result of a war and not the CO’s actions. War took live and left other lives tattered.  Some of the latter more perminantly than others, some more visably than others.  He hoped his wingman’s injuries weren’t as serious as it seemed.  He genuinely liked Günther.  

His experience with this war to date added up to one thing: His day, and this war, were likely far from over.   It was, Ming reminded himself, time to get back to the dirty job of doing everything possible for the Allies to win this damnedable war.