USS Tempest

Rhode Island-class • NCC-84705 • Fourth Fleet

The USS Tempest NCC-84705 is a Rhode Island-class scout assigned to Sirius Squadron. Fast and versatile, the Tempest works alongside other squadron ships and missions, fulfilling scouting and reconnaissance duties for both tactical and scientific operations. She is often assigned directly in support of the USS Sirius, acting as escort, courier, or patrol ship as necessary. These duties do not necessarily entail constantly accompanying other vessels, as she is highly adept at long-range scouting, and may act in conjunction with another ship from several days’ travel away. This necessitates a flexible and pragmatic approach by her crew, who are dispatched to support all manner of operations in all manner of places.

When not supporting other craft, the Tempest is usually found on survey operations, often identifying points of scientific interest that the USS Ranger may later follow up in more depth, or participating in general patrol and pirate-hunting activities in the Midgard Sector.

Sirius Expeditionary Squadron

Sirius Expeditionary Squadron, also known as Sirius Squadron, is a squadron centered around the Odyssey-class USS Sirius under the command of Commodore Matt Rourke, based out of Gateway Station in the Midgard Sector on the Federation’s Beta Quadrant frontier. The squadron serves two missions: the secondary mission of supporting the sector-wide responsibilities of the Gateway Station, and its primary mission as a rapid deployment force beyond Federation borders.

In its expeditionary capacity, Sirius Squadron stands ready to deploy outside of Federation territory at short notice to respond to emerging situations across the galaxy. With multiple versatile and powerful ships at its disposal, the squadron is capable of operating independently and without support for extended periods, and is flexible enough to face a range of missions, including under volatile circumstances where objectives and conditions can quickly change.

Outside of such deployments, the squadron maintains readiness in case of need, and supports Gateway Station’s operations. From its HQ, its ships pursue Starfleet’s mission to maintain regional stability through diplomatic and humanitarian operations and pursue avenues of scientific research and exploration into the former territories of the Old Romulan Star Empire. Since the escalation of tensions with the Klingon Empire and their interest in the territory of the fallen Star Empire, Sirius Squadron has been a cornerstone of protecting both the Federation border, and Starfleet’s allies in the Romulan Republic.

Badge by user; ‘Star dog’ image element generated with Midjourney

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