USS Perseus (NCC-76997)

USS Perseus

Galaxy-class • NCC-76997 • Fourth Fleet

Atlantis Exploratory Squadron

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15 October 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 10

Fist Full of Silver

USS Atlantis, USS Perseus and USS Sundiver

“They’ve launched another ship,” Brek announced from his station with all the same emotion he’d use for telling someone the time. “Hey, that only makes four of them, we still got this,” Rosa said with derision as the Laurentia rocked under another phaser blast from the increasingly [...]

15 October 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 9

Fist Full of Silver

USS Atlantis, USS Perseus and USS Sundiver

“Whoa whoa whoa, hold up there, ladies.” Amber and Rosa hadn’t expected a clear run to the Laurentia, but they’d planned on one or two guards, not a whole picket line of them. Brek’s information, gathered from the last few days, had clearly gone stale, or something had caused the local [...]

10 October 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 8

Fist Full of Silver

USS Atlantis, USS Perseus and USS Sundiver

Stirling Fightmaster was a stark comparison to his assigned work companion for the day. Simi Tupua stood, a man of Polynesian descent and claiming to hail from New Samoa, was a head taller, twice as wide and likely three times as Stirling’s own weight. He was also all smiles, seemingly knew [...]

6 October 2024

Fist Full of Silver - 7

Fist Full of Silver

USS Atlantis, USS Perseus and USS Sundiver

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. At least that’s the justification that was repeated numerous times in the briefings held prior to Atlantis slipping into the Badlands and far, far from scouted, surveyed and monitored shipping lanes. It also formed the primary argument to [...]