USS Gagarin (NCC-97930)
In the middle of the rimward, the Gagarin begins her next phase of life as the bulwark against the Syndicate and the darkness of the vast expanse of space.
In the middle of the rimward, the Gagarin begins her next phase of life as the bulwark against the Syndicate and the darkness of the vast expanse of space.
*Images of the Gagarin were made by Pundus for Bravo fleet member Imya Jori‘s Gagarin.
“Stars are echoes of the past.
It’s important to look to them for guidance,
but as long as people reach for them,
they never realize the beauty and potential awaiting just in front of them.”
USS Gagarin (NCC-97930) is a Gagarin-class starship of the United Federation of Planets under the command of Captain Dread as part of the Montana Squadron in the Fourth Fleet’s Task Force 21.
2 January 2025
Montana Station, USS Dragonfly, USS Gagarin, USS Nova and USS Perseverance
The hull was smooth. The Raven Class USS Erigone was a workhorse with a long history. Lieutenant Jordan Reid stood beside it, searching the surface. It had been her first assignment out of Starfleet with an unknown CO, Commander Ambrose Harris. Her feet pushed her closer, and her fingers [...]
2 January 2025
TSS 004 – Complications in the Rimward
Episode 1 - The Syndicate Storm
USS Gagarin
“Report!” Captain Helena Dread slid into the center chair of the small bridge on the Gagarin. Ruby lights flashed as the red alert klaxon faded, replaced by the shuffling of boots and stations. She focused on the red clock at the front of the bridge—two in the morning. An unkempt [...]
1 January 2025
TSS 003 – The Heart of the Matter
Episode 1 - The Syndicate Storm
USS Gagarin
“You ready to talk about it?” Ensign Samantha Soojin sat in the armchair opposite Lieutenant Sadie Fowler. Sadie replied, “I don’t know.” She sat on the edge of the wide couch, her hands grasping at her knees. It was Christmas morning, and the feelings of the last two months lay heavy on [...]
31 December 2024
Episode 1 - The Syndicate Storm
USS Gagarin
“A week and nothing.” Captain Helena Dread sat at her ready-room desk, reading through the reports that her XO, Lieutenant Sadie Fowler, had handed to her moments ago. “Reports are still coming in on the damage done to the groups of Syndicate operators. Remind me never to piss off the Pirate [...]