The starship Arcturus bears the legacy of the vaunted Galaxy-class explorers that came before her as the ultimate expression of the maximalist design principles of the Utopia Planitia Design School. One of the newest of the Odyssey-class heavy explorers, Arcturus entered service in 2399 with hardened and redundant deep space exploration equipment to prepare her for a long mission in the Delta Quadrant under Commodore Elizabeth Hayden. That mission only lasted a few months before Arcturus was called back to serve against the Breen in the Alpha Quadrant, then came the Klingons at Arcanis in the Beta Quadrant, followed by the ancient mystery left by the T’Kon back in the Delta Quadrant. The next year, she was at the front lines of the Stormbreaker Campaign, the Sundered Wings Campaign, and the Blood Dilithium Campaign. A ship designed after the Dominion War to herald in a new era of peaceful exploration, Arcturus has spent most of her service life with the Fourth Fleet as a bulwark against the forces that lurk in dark corners of the galaxy.
Now in 2401, with the Lost Fleet Campaign behind her and her captain now elevated to the rank of fleet captain, Arcturus remains to hold the line along with her squadron. With a diverse and exceptional crew, the story of the Arcturus is one of ingenuity, camaraderie, and love overcoming the worst instincts of the galaxy. To paraphrase the ship’s dedication quote: fate may have some ideas for us, but where we go is up to us.
Commodore Elizabeth Hayden (December 2398–March 2399)
Captain/Fleet Captain Michael Lancaster (March 2399–Present)
Stories associated with this command may include up to the equivalent of a 222 on the RPG ratings scale, and are intended for mature audiences.
Arcturus Wayfinding Squadron is an elite exploratory unit that specializes in finding new ways forward for Starfleet. Distinct from navigation, which is plotting a course based on the precise knowledge of exactly where one is in the universe, wayfinding is a more general word that refers to the process of orienting oneself in regard to space, place, objects, and peoples. Wayfinding was practiced by the Polynesian and Norse voyagers of Earth in the ancient past, as they used landmarks, the stars, and their relationships with other beings to find their way across the seas. While Arcturus Squadron engages in traditional surveying and charting missions, its mandate is also to use whatever tools it can to find the way forward, whether through diplomacy, acquiring or developing new propulsion methods, or, when necessary, mitigating threats to Starfleet’s exploratory mission.
Currently, Arcturus Squadron is based out of Olympia Station at the rimward trailing edge of Federation space in the Alpha Quadrant.
Commanding Officer
Commander, Arcturus Squadron
Staff Captain
First Officer
Senior Officer of the Watch
Second Officer
Strategic Operations Officer
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Captain of Engineering
Chief Operations Officer
Hazard Team Training Officer
Chief Security Officer
Chief Tactical Officer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Counselor
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Communications Officer
1st Chief Engineering Officer—Propulsion Systems
2nd Chief Engineering Officer—Internal Systems
3rd Chief Engineering Officer—Structural Systems
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Counselor
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
Hazard Team α Leader
Head of Stellar Sciences
Head of Nursing
Head of Social Sciences
Head of Archival Services
Head of Surgery
Head of Planetary Sciences
Head of Cetacean Ops
Head of Warp Systems Engineering
Deputy Head of Computer Systems Engineering
Hazard Team α Engineer
Deputy Head of Botanical Sciences
Deputy Head of Xenobiological Sciences
Hazard Team α Science Specialist
Officer of the Watch
Officer of the Watch
Hazard Team α Deputy Leader
Gamma Shift Flight Control Officer
Delta Shift Flight Control Officer
Alpha Shift Charge Nurse
Hazard Team α Medic
Captain Lancaster's Yeoman
Armory Specialist
Hazard Team α Security Specialist
Plowman's Tap Manager
Demolitions Specialist
Hazard Team α Security Specialist
Deputy Commander, Fourth Fleet
Flag Officer
Support Wing Commanding Officer
Fleet Captain
Deputy Commander, Arcturus Squadron
2 December 2024
9. Actions and Their Consequences
Olympia Station, USS Arcturus and USS Arondight
Still somewhat dazed from the explosion, Wren tried to process the news he’d just received from the captain in the dim gloom of the drone ship’s hold. He was vaguely aware of a low alarm tone sounding, likely in response to the bomb. Through panicked thoughts, he tried to center himself by [...]
1 December 2024
Olympia Station, USS Arcturus and USS Arondight
Arondight was hanging in space nose-to-nose with the disabled drone freighter over the gold and bronze atmosphere of a gas giant. While his away team had only been over on the freighter for a few minutes, Captain Blake Bennett was already anxious for them to return. Even without the added [...]
1 December 2024
Olympia Station, USS Arcturus and USS Arondight
Split between irritation and amusement at Blake’s uncharacteristically capitalist (for a Human) request to begin the negotiations, Tornellis sat up straight and clasped his hands together on the table. In his own youth, he’d gone from a slave of the Orion Syndicate to a mover of goods between [...]
22 November 2024
Olympia Station, USS Arcturus and USS Arondight
On hearing that they were boarding an automated freighter, Wren felt his mood lifting a little: without people aboard, there wouldn’t be any casualties for him to treat. Still, it felt like tempting fate to return his medical kit to the equipment locker, so he sinched the cross-body strap a [...]