USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

The true debut season of Star Trek: VALKYRIE

Mission Description

In our debut season, we meet the crew of the Sovereign-class USS Valkyrie, which has entered its twelfth year of service. The Valkyrie is tasked with completing various tasks and missions assigned to it by the unit commander, Commodore Uzoma Ekwueme.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

7 September 2024

Red plastic: Medical inprocessing. Ensign Th'tholler

USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

The next morning it was business as usual in Medical. While things weren’t quite a well-oiled machine just yet, the crew had a good working rapport. They all knew she was just as good at rolling up her sleeves when the work needed to be accomplished. Duty came first. Mnhei’sahe [...]

7 September 2024

Seeds of Change: Medical inprocessing. Lt Morishita

USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

It was late mid-morning, and the first rush of patients and overnight traumas had come and gone, Hilea settled into her office to catch up on paperwork and had a mug of Scottish black tea. It was something that reminded her of an old friend.  Hina was a bit early for the appointment she had [...]

7 September 2024

First star on the right, and straight on until Vahalla

USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Morning before the Grand Re-opening It had been a busy week. Caela and Riordan, along with many members of the crew had spent time and trouble whipping the lounge into a space worthy of entertaining crew and guests alike.  Several banquet tables and two smaller ones, were arranged around the [...]

30 August 2024

Its a beauty.

USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Sil couldn’t resist and he leaned in, looking closer through the viewscreen.The Ensign piloting the shuttle smiled. “She is a beauty isn’t she?” Sil turned with a smile and nodded to the young Ensign. It was such a shift from what he was used to. The sight of his new posting was really [...]