Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Ulysses: 01×01 Shattered Horizons

Navigate the Unknown, Uncover the Secrets, Secure the Future.

Mission Description

A sudden and devastating debris storm struck the planet Raeya III, originating from a mysterious Underspace aperture. This aperture, a gateway to the enigmatic subspace network known as the Underspace, has been spewing large quantities of hazardous debris into the vicinity, posing a significant threat to the planet and its inhabitants. The debris storm has caused widespread damage and panic, and it is imperative to understand the nature of this aperture and secure it to prevent further incidents.

About the Mission

In Progress
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End Date

16 September 2024


USS Ulysses: 01x01 Shattered Horizons

The first light of dawn spilled across the rugged landscape of Raeya III. Captain Wellborn stood at the edge of a Raeyan military outpost, his eyes narrowed as he took in the horizon. A Ramon Allones cigar smoldered between his fingers, its rich, earthy aroma blending with the faint smell of ozone [...]

5 September 2024


USS Ulysses: 01x01 Shattered Horizons

The Ulysses cruised gracefully through the void of space. Beneath the ship, Raeya III spun in quiet rotation. The Chimera mirrored the Ulysses in its orbit a few kilometers off its port bow. Its angular, imposing design contrasted sharply with the more elegant curves of the Ulysses. Together, they [...]

2 September 2024


USS Ulysses: 01x01 Shattered Horizons

Jarell Korrin strode out of the Federation Embassy with grim satisfaction. The conference had gone more or less as expected, with the Federation’s representatives making their usual platitudes about peace and cooperation. But Korrin knew better. He had seen the Federation’s true face before and [...]

1 September 2024


USS Ulysses: 01x01 Shattered Horizons

The sun had dipped low on the horizon, casting the Federation Embassy’s grand conference chamber in a warm, amber glow. The large chamber was designed for such high-stakes meetings, with its expansive windows, polished floors, and the United Federation of Planets emblem prominently displayed on [...]