Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Frontier

Underspace Chaos: Protecting the Final Frontier

The USS Frontier encounters a convoy of Romulan vessels on a course toward the Azure Nebula.

Mission Description

The unpredictability of space has struck again! Underspace has expanded throughout the Galaxy and the resulting security threat has Starfleet on high alert. With their shakedown mission cut short, the crew of the USS Frontier have been ordered by Starfleet to maintain its position between Candera Prime and Acamar and to be on the look out for any unauthorized incursions into Federation territory. Little do they know, the crew of the USS Frontier are about to come face to face with a convoy of Romulan vessels led by the Romulan warlord Ruvaul. The Galaxy Class is strong, but how will it fair against multiple Romulan vessels eager to set up their own base of operations in the Azure Nebula.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

10 July 2024


USS Frontier: Underspace Chaos: Protecting the Final Frontier

Captain’s Log… Stardate 78517.2 The USS Frontier, having successfully completed a shakedown cruise, has been dispatched to Acamar with medical supplies. Thus far, the mission has been typical. Minor spikes in the power systems have been addressed promptly by the operations and engineering [...]