USS Jaxartes (Archive)

Dark Frontier

This is a voyage to the Dark Frontier and the point where two Universes merge.

Mission Description

The people of the Universe he rules over see him as a God, the Supreme Being; they call him Helgeshran, He of the light, Eternal Gatekeeper and Shield bearer of Thranoth; but like others of his kind, no one knows the real truth behind his origins and the power he possesses.

Conquest and subjugation of all life within our Universe is his ultimate goal.  He plans to succeed were ‘The One’, ‘Gorgan’ and others like them have failed.

For the crew of the USS Jaxartes, this is a mission beyond anything they’ve yet encountered; a battle to save life as they and everyone else know it.  Lieutenant Jason Devron, is no Captain Kirk, but then Helgeshran is no God either!

And as the walls between two Universes crumble; only one person can step into the breach; Phoebe Andrianakis is no mere human; she is a daughter of a member of the Q Continuum.  As a doctor sworn to protect life, she may have to choose who or what to sacrifice in order to win; even if that means the crew of a Raven-Class Corvette.

This could very well be the USS Jaxartes’s final mission!

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

27 March 2025

Part 17: Goodbye And Thankyou

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

Lieutenant Jason Devron entered Sickbay aboard the USS Jaxartes, carrying a Padd in one hand.  Doctor  Phoebe Andrianakis the ships civilian medic was busy sorting and cataloging the medical supplies.  “Latest news from Commander Salan.” He announced cheerfully.  “The Command is now [...]

25 March 2025

Part 16: A Star Is Born

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

The USS Jaxartes had moved to what they hoped was a safe distance away from the planet and Harpers Rift.  The gravitational pull of the planet had been increasing for some time now; drawing towards it the swirling mass of cloud that was the rift.  The core temperature of the planet continued to [...]

24 March 2025

Part 15: Reluctant Leader

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

The crew of the hybrid Federation and Klingon ship had sacrificed their vessel to protect the USS Jaxartes from Helgeshran’s deadly wrath; putting it in direct line with the on rushing ball of energy.  They had however not sacrificed their own lives; only the aft Klingon section had been [...]

22 March 2025

Part 14: A Taste Of Freedom

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

With the Entity surrounded by a single unmoving moment in time, his link with all those who’d served him was severed. ********** Doctor de Havilland heard the woman’s scream from outside, jolting him out of his trance like state. How long had he been sitting there on the floor; caked in the now [...]