Part of Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Roosevelt Station

The Fall of Roosevelt Station

The Lost Fleet attack on Roosevelt Station

Mission Description

In an attempt to deny Starfleet the logistical support of its communications and sensor arrays, the Lost Fleet attacks the station.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

20 May 2023

03: Strike

Roosevelt Station: The Fall of Roosevelt Station

“Situation.” Karinu stepped into Ops, and as she did T’Ren rose from the command throne, moving to the tactical station. The space was quiet, staff working at their stations. “Four attack ships have broken away from the main force,” T’Ren said as she took her seat. “They are [...]

9 May 2023

02: Personal Preparations

Roosevelt Station: The Fall of Roosevelt Station

A Dominion task group was on its way to the station. The ships had broken off from the main force three hours before, and were coming fast. They would arrive in six hours, and Starfleet had no resources in place to intercept them. The scholar in T’Ren wanted to go to the Promenade, to see the [...]

6 May 2023

01: They are Coming

Roosevelt Station: The Fall of Roosevelt Station

The command chair in Roosevelt Station’s Operations center was more akin to a throne than anything that Starfleet had ever installed on one of its ships, a place for the Thots who built the station to sit and command armadas from well behind the lines. For Karinu, tall even for a Kelpien, it [...]