USS Endeavour: Run

With the stirrings of the Klingon Empire threatening the Midgard Sector and challenging the Federation's fledgling alliances, the crew of Endeavour face obstacles closer to home and closer to the heart as they prepare for whatever comes next...

Mission Description

I wanna run to feel again, to be no one
To run under the stars of Orion
And all my life I’ve been burning by the dreams I’ve had
Now I want to run
I want to run
– ‘Run,’ Delta Rae

Mission image background generated with Midjourney

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

7 June 2024

Run - 21

USS Endeavour: Run

‘I thought you should know,’ said Thawn, trying to smother rising anxiety as she stood in the open door to Beckett’s quarters, ‘that my aunt’s left.’ He’d opened with a guarded, apprehensive expression that fell as she spoke, and stepped back to usher her in. ‘You alright?’ She [...]

5 June 2024

Run - 20

USS Endeavour: Run

‘I should be forcing you to take time off,’ Valance grumbled as she slid a PADD across her desk towards Kharth. Her XO picked it up, eyebrow quirked. ‘Take that up with Rourke. Difference between you and me, though, is that I’ve actually been relaxing while off-duty. You’ve been wearing [...]

4 June 2024

Run - 19

USS Endeavour: Run

Thawn was slightly surprised her aunt hadn’t secured somewhere to stay on the surface of Alfheim, but her guest quarters on Gateway were inevitably some of the station’s more opulent. An egalitarian Federation only went so far when a matriarch of the Twelfth House leaned on some poor deck [...]

3 June 2024

Run - 18

USS Endeavour: Run

Valance did not get back to sleep, returning to her quarters on Endeavour to do nothing more than glower out the window at the cavernous lower docking bay of Gateway. She’d pencilled in a meeting with Kharth later, and knew that she should either rest or begin to consider what to do with this [...]